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...free wallpapers
These wallpapers are free for your own personal use. They are all original images created using the Windows versions of The GIMP.

still more designs soon...

These are free wallpapers for your desktop. The easiest way to install them is to simply right click in the browser on the image you want and then select 'set as wallpaper'. This will automatically install the image as your default wallpaper.

If you want to do it the hard way (in Windows).

  1. Save the file on your computer. Make sure you note the name of the file (listed on the page) and the directory it is in.
  2. Click the start menu and then click 'Settings'. Select the Control Panel
  3. Once the Control Panel choices comes up choose 'Display'
  4. Click on the 'Background' tab at the top of the window that appears
  5. Click on the 'Browse...' button
  6. This will bring up a standard 'file open' dialog box.
  7. Navigate to the directory you save the file in and then click on the file name of the file you downloaded
  8. Click on the 'Open' button
  9. The 'file open' dialog will disappear. Click on 'OK'
  10. Your background will now be changed to the file you downloaded.

Tileable Images - suitable for any screen resolution.

Single Images - click on the link for the resolution that matches your screen settings.

1024 x 768 | 800 x 600 | 640 x 480

1024 x 768 | 800 x 600 | 640 x 480

1024 x 768 | 800 x 600 | 640 x 480

1024 x 768 | 800 x 600 | 640 x 480

1024 x 768 | 800 x 600 | 640 x 480

1024 x 768 | 800 x 600 | 640 x 480

More wallpaper and screensavers at the web lounge
wallpaper top 100